Surprising Family Violence Stats! It’s Not Simply Gender Uni-Directional
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References Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners: An Updated Annotated Bibliography. Martin S. Fiebert – A compilation of 343 scholarly investigations (270 empirical studies and 73 reviews) demonstrating that women are as physically aggressive as men (or more) in their relationships with their spouses or opposite-sex partners in this family violence stats. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 440,850 people. www.researchgate.net/publication/261543769_References_Examining_Assaults_by_Women_on_Their_Spouses_or_Male_Partners_An_Updated_Annotated_Bibliography
Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project Findings At-a-Glance Sponsored by the Journal Partner Abuse, John Hamel, LCSW, Editor-in-Chief – An abridged version of the Overview of Findings by the Authors document, which summarizes the results of the Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project, a comprehensive, 2,300- page review of the domestic violence research literature. www.domesticviolenceresearch.org/pdf/FindingsAt-a-Glance.Nov.23.pdf
Seven Key Facts About Domestic Violence Prepared by: Coalition to End Domestic Violence (EndtoDV.org) Fact #1: Each year, men are more likely than women to be victims of domestic violence and other forms of partner abuse, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. https://www.complexfamilylaw.com/wp-contentendtodv.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Seven-Key-Facts-About-DV-9.11.2021.pdf
While unsubstantiated does not mean false in family violence stats, this is just one indication of the volume of false allegations used to try and gain the advantage in contested custody. All it takes is an allegation to elicit a judge’s implicit or explicit bias to wrongly deny a child a loving parent. Because no presumption must be overcome with fact or findings, bad actors (men & women) lie in court every day putting their own self-interests as priority over the best interest of their child.