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Don’t forget to change these 6 things after separation/divorce

There is undoubtedly a lot changing after separation/divorce with your partner, from your home address to your future plans. For better or worse, many of these changes can be out of your control.

However, there are many things you will want to consider changing yourself after your divorce is final.

  1. Your passwords: Even if your separation/divorce was amicable, you still want to consider changing things like passwords to social media accounts, personal identification numbers (PINs), and even logins for streaming services. You may not think your ex is interested in or capable of accessing these accounts, but there is no need to leave things up to chance.
  2. Your locks: Changing your locks can be crucial if you are concerned about your safety or privacy, especially if you remain in your matrimonial home. It can give you peace of mind knowing that your ex and former in-laws cannot come into your home without permission.  (But check with your lawyer first!)
  3. Your insurance beneficiaries and policies: You may need a new life insurance policy per child support agreements. If you already have one or more insurance policies, removing your ex as a beneficiary will be crucial in ensuring they do not receive payments.
  4. Your name: If you choose to change your name after divorce, you will need a new passport, driver’s license, and other documentation marking the change. Once you change your name, you may also need to update email addresses, employment records, and credit card applications to reflect your current name.
  5. Your emergency contacts: You may still have your ex listed as an emergency contact at places like your work and doctor’s office, which could make for uncomfortable or upsetting exchanges. Additionally, your own contact information may have changed, so notifying places like your child’s school of how to contact you can be crucial.
  6. Your status with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) and other agencies: Divorce does not automatically change your marital status everywhere. You still need to notify agencies like the CRA of the change and update your personal information with financial institutions and other organizations.

These can seem like trivial tasks, especially when there are other more pressing matters to attend to. However, making these changes can help you avoid awkward situations and make things easier in this next chapter of your life after separation/divorce.

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