February 9, 2021 – Amazing ESP Stats!
Yes, it has been a long time since I have distributed the Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre Equal Shared Parenting Thought of the Day. In fact, it was 23 March 2020, when I sent out our previous issue – #89. Well, as they say, better late than never. Today, I am sharing with you some remarkable stats courtesy of the National Parents Organization. Popular acceptance of the ESP concept is widespread.
February 4, 2021
Dear Shared Parenting Advocate,
I’m writing with very good news!
Based on polling commissioned by National Parents Organization and several other sources, we’ve known for some time that the overwhelming majority of Americans support legal presumptions of shared parenting. And now, as a result of NPO-funded polling in seven states in the last three months, we know that this support has grown even stronger and is shared across all demographic divides.
Between November, 2020, and January 2021, NPO sponsored independently-conducted polling in seven states: Arkansas, California, Florida, Idaho, Minnesota, Utah, and Wisconsin. The results are remarkable. Here are just some highlights:
- Between 93% and 99% of respondents agreed that “it is in a child’s best interest to have as much time as possible with each parent” when the parents are divorced or separated.
- Between 91% and 96% of respondents would “be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports children spending significant, up to equal, amounts of time with each parent following separation or divorce.”
- Between 83% and 88% would support “a change in state law that creates a rebuttable presumption that shared parenting is in the best interest of a child after parental separation.”
- Between 72% and 85% believe that “when there is conflict between parents, awarding sole custody of children to just one parent increases that conflict.”
- Between 83% and 93% believe that “both parents have equal rights and responsibilities following divorce or separation.”
The polling results for these, and other states, can be reviewed on NPO’s Shared Parenting Polling page. There, you’ll find a map that will show you the results in the states where polls have been done. If a poll hasn’t been conducted in your state, please consider making a contribution to support a poll to help promote shared parenting in your state.
NPO is hard at work to ensure that this resounding support for legal presumptions of equal shared parenting are well known by legislators, the media, and the general public. These results provide a powerful tool to counterbalance the special interests that try to block the will of the public to benefit our children by enacting strong shared parenting legislation.
For the sake of our children,
Don Hubin, Chair, National Parents Organization
Link to Gene C. Colman’s Equal Shared Parenting Web Page
Link to past issues of the ESP Thought of the Day publication
Click to see previous Equal Shared Parenting Thoughts of the Day