Sept. 6, 2018-Arizona’s January 2013 Parenting Time Law Reform
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Arizona’s January 2013 Parenting Time Law Reform
In January 2013, Arizona became the first state to order that, “Consistent with the child’s best interests . . . the court shall adopt a parenting plan that maximizes [both parents’] respective parenting time” (Arizona Revised Statutes 25-403.02). The Governor’s signing statement released to the media said, “The ultimate goal is to limit one-sided custody decisions and to encourage as much shared parent-child time as possible for the positive development of the child.”
William V. Fabricius, Michael Aaron, Faren R. Akins, John J. Assini & Tracy McElroy (2018): What Happens When There Is Presumptive 50/50 Parenting Time? An Evaluation of Arizona’s New Child Custody Statute, Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, p. 1. DOI:10.1080/10502556.2018.1454196
Gene C. Colman Observation: The Arizona legislation sounds strikingly similar to Canada’s friendly parent provision in the Divorce Act, s. 16. Yet the Arizona interpretation of their statute has effectively been interpreted as a rebuttable presumption for Equal Shared Parenting. Prof. Fabricius writes at page 3: “The language appeared to some lawyers to be a rebuttable presumption for shared parenting, even though the statute did not define the words “substantial, frequent, meaningful and continuing.”