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Successfully Parenting Apart

Successfully Parenting Apart – A Tool Kit from the Canadian Bar Association (April 2017)

In this unique publication, the Canadian Bar Association has a huge number of resources that many will find most helpful. One big advantage is that the publication is not focused solely on Ontario. From Parenting Plans to government resources to informative articles and books, there is something for everyone here. We feel obliged however to caution that not all resources and publications are in sync with the attitude of this firm. For example, at page 22 we find an article by Dr. Jennifer E. McIntosh where she cites research re parental contact (read “father contact”) with infants and toddlers. The Gene C. Colman Family Law Centre takes huge exception to the reliability of the research cited in Dr. McIntosh’s article. There is other cogent research out there that proves the efficacy and utility of early significant father contact with infants and toddlers. Another publication causes us some degree of concern: Justice Harvey Brownstone’s book, “Tug of War”, is referenced at page 44. We perceive that Justice Brownstone tends to blame the parents themselves for the dysfunction prevalent within the family law system. While in many cases indeed parents are the authors of their own problems, Justice Brownstone seems not to fully appreciate how the system and yes, even judges, tend at times to exacerbate the conflict. Nonetheless, the book is well worth the read; it gives one insight into how one judge (now retired) perceives family law conflict.

We have not read every single reference in this CBA publication. There may be other resources with which we disagree. Nonetheless, the CBA has done an admirable job of bringing together and organizing disparate resources into a very usable and user friendly platform.

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