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How COVID-19 could affect your divorce

Various sources have reported an anticipated increase in divorces stemming from COVID-19. Stay-at-home orders force couples to spend all day every day together, creating or exacerbating tension; people are struggling with job loss; parents are overwhelmed with having kids at home instead of…

What is parental alienation?

Losing access to and time with your children because of a divorce can be devastating. Feeling like your ex is attempting to turn your children against you through parental alienation makes the situation even more painful. Under these circumstances, it is crucial to…


Let us examine the issue of how COVID-19 is impacting child support (and spousal support) claims in Ontario. ENFORCEMENT OF SUPPORT ORDERS The Ontario Family Responsibility Office enforces support orders and agreements. It has indicated that with respect to enforcement of support orders…

Covid 19 and Family Law Reform

Covid-19 demands parent and child-centred family law reform based on equal shared parenting. Glenn Cheriton wrote this blog post.  Glenn is the President of the Canadian Equal Parenting Council. Separating and divorcing parents in Ontario are facing more delays to a family court…

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