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Why the date of a separation matters in divorce

Divorce is not something that happens overnight. Spouses might spend months or years fighting, reconciling, seeking counseling and living in limbo before someone ultimately files the necessary paperwork to end the marriage. Thus, it may not always be clear when spouses separate. However,…

The devastating effects of parental alienation

Too often, divorcing spouses let their emotions about each other cloud their judgment as parents. In this environment, some parents resort to actions that can cause significant damage to a child. One example of this is parental alienation. Parental alienation involves a parent's…

Child support issues any parent could face

After divorce or separation, Canadian laws require both parents to continue to provide for a child financially. Children are entitled to this money, and it can be critical to their well-being. Child support ensures a child receives things like a safe home, clothes,…

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