April 1, 2019-Research in Sweden Demonstrates Benefits of ESP
Sweden enjoys a high proportion of approximately equal shared parenting. Researchers have extensively studied the phenomenon there. They have stated:
In the recently published study, we investigated psychological symptoms for 136 children in JPC, 3,369 children in intact families, 79 children living “mostly” with one parent, and 72 children living only with one parent (Bergström et al., 2018). The pre-school teachers and the parents reported that children living mostly or only with one parent had more emotional and behavioral problems than those living in JPC or in intact families. According to the parents’ reports, there were no significant differences between children in intact families and JPC children. The preschool teachers, however, reported fewer problems for children in intact than in JPC families.
In the second…study, …As with the first study, the children in SPC had more psychological and behavioral problems than those in JPC and those in intact families had the fewest problems.
As is true in the studies with preschoolers, the Swedish studies on school-age children and adolescents also show that children in JPC have better mental health and fewer behavioral problems than children in SPC families, who most often live in sole mother care, as well as children who live mostly with one parent (Bergström, 2012; Bergström et al., 2015; Bergström et al., 2013; Brolin Låftman, Bergström, Modin, & Östberg, 2014; Brolin Låftman, Fransson, Modin, & Östberg, 2017; Fransson, Brolin Låftman, Östberg, Hjern, & Bergström, 2017; Fransson, Turunen, Hjern, Östberg, & Bergström, 2015; Turunen, Fransson, & Bergström, 2017).
Emma Fransson, Anders Hjern & Malin Bergström (2018): What Can We Say Regarding Shared Parenting Arrangements for Swedish Children?, Journal of Divorce & Remarriage, DOI: 10.1080/10502556.2018.1454198, pp. 3 – 4
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